Stroll Along the Waterfront
Strolling the waterfront’s a good way of soaking up the island’s atmosphere – way more laid-back than the hustling, bustling city. There are fishing boats in the harbour on one side; three-storey buildings with shops, restaurants and bars on the other. From here, you can explore further.
Visit Temples
The island’s main temple – left from the ferry pier, it faces across basketball and a soccer pitch (both of which become main sites for the Bun Festival each spring). Pak Tei is like the patron saint of Cheung Chau; perhaps as he once helped residents battle plagues, or maybe some benefit against pirates.

There are other temples, too, mostly dedicated to Tin Hau – goddess of mercy, who is said to aid fishermen in distress. | 島上還有其他寺廟,大多供奉天后或是觀音,據說它們援助遇險漁民。 |
Roam the StreetsCheung Chau’s narrow streets are often little more than footpaths, which twist and turn between the densely packed housing within a few minutes’ walk of the ferry pier. Walk the main streets, and you’ll find a host of small shops, plus some restaurants, and even rocks that are supposed to house spirits that look after the neighbourhoods. | 漫遊街頭長洲的狹窄街道,往往很多行人,房屋也會穿插其中。在大街上散步,你就會發現很多小商店、餐館;可能會發現一些石頭被置放在神龕中,因為它們被視為保護整個街道的守護神。 |
Head for the BeachThe main beach, Tung Wan, is just across from the ferry pier. In fine weather, especially summer, it’s good for swimming and sunbathing – there is a lifeguard service, plus changing rooms and showers. There’s another, smaller beach just to the south: though the facilities aren’t so grand. The water is usually cleanest around high tide | 沙灘東灣是長洲的主要沙灘,從碼頭直行就可以到達。在晴朗的天氣,尤其是夏天,很適合游泳、曬太陽;那裡有救生員服務、更衣室和淋浴間。 |

Watersports | 水上運動 |

Cheung Chau’s renowned in Hong Kong for being the birthplace and early training site of the territory’s first Olympic medal winner, Lee Lai Shan (won gold in windsurfing, in Atlanta Olympics 1996). As well as windsurfing, you can kayak and kiteboard; places with gear for rent include Lee’s uncle’s place, the Windsurfing Centre, between Tung Wan and Kwun Yam Wan. | 長洲最為人知悉的地方是首面奧運獎牌冠軍李麗珊(1996年在亞特蘭大奧運會奪得風帆金牌)的早期訓練場地─滑浪風帆中心。此中心位於東灣及觀音灣之,由李麗珊的叔叔管理,可以在這裡租借帆板、皮艇等等用具。 |
Walk TrailsThere are some fine coastal trails, especially on the southeast coast of Cheung Chau – including the Mini Great Wall (!), and on the southwest coast near Cheung Po-tsai Cave. See more info on this site. | 散步道長洲還有一些優秀的沿海散步道,尤其是東南邊沿海的小長城,和在西南邊的張保仔洞。 |
Eat SeafoodCheung Chau is home to one of Hong Kong’s main fishing communities, so seafood is an island speciality. Restaurants abound, including along the waterfront; the best are well patronised by locals, as well as by visitors. | 海鮮長洲在香港是一個主要的漁業社區,豐富的海鮮是這小島的特色。餐館比比皆是,在沿岸一帶都有食肆,除了本地人會光顧外,也吸引了不少遊客光顧。 |
Chill Out with a DrinkThere are several bars and cafes where you can enjoy drinks including cold beers. They include the tiny bar at Kwun Yam Wan – right above the tideline – and the nearby Windsurfing Centre. Bars, restaurants and cafes along the waterfront are especially pleasant late on a fine afternoon, when you can enjoy a drink, and watch the sun drop over the sea and (in summer) Lantau, beyond the harbour. | 享受飲料小島有幾間酒吧、咖啡店,你可以享受各式飲料,包括冰凍的啤酒。另外在觀音灣有一小小的酒吧,就在風帆中心附近。 沿岸都有酒吧、餐廳、咖啡店,你可以隨心所欲地享受。尤其是在一個晴朗宜人的黃昏,喝著酒、看著落日、海嶼,實是愉悅. |

beautiful everything
Thanks for so much footage. I love your website. By the way, do you post these Chinese characters as well? (You, Dr. Martin Williams, are a fluent Chinese speaker/writer? Very impressive.)
Cheryl (newcomer to your site but enjoying all that it is showing me)
Chinese not by me!
Hi Cheryl:
Very late replying; sorry.
Great that you like the website.
I only cut and paste Chinese text; some is translated by others, some maybe original articles, and some I find via searching online for place names, for instance.