Reply To: Panties thief caught in the act!!!


Earlier this week, the man seen being arrested in the ‘Apple Daily’ peaded guilty in the Eastern Magistrates Court.  I had to specifically ask the Cheung Chau police when the case would be heard so that I could be there (on my own behalf, not as a witness).  Defendants on bail and spectators all sit together in the public gallery, and I sat almost next to him.  He didn’t pay any attention to me and I’m near sure he didn’t know who I was, that I was in the court especially to look at him, and that I’m the one that trapped him on film! The case was heard in less than 5 minutes, in Cantonese, with the Gweilo magistrate at the back speaking only softly in English. I couldn’t make things out very well.  But it sounded as if the case was adjourned pending further probation reports.