Reply To: Bun Festival 2007 – rainy start but hot main day

Martin Williams
bun festival rain morning

More downpours this morning. I took this around 8am; the bright lights show how gloomy it was because of the thick thick clouds overhead, dumping rain on us.

buns up in rain

Work was still underway on putting buns up onto the towers – became a rather ragged display.

bun festival musicians

But in the afternoon, the rain had eased and mostly halted – again – and the Bun Festival was once more underway. Musicians with the priests (above) were making a din, competing with the nearby opera: so a real rumpus at the festival site, making it seem far from a "great peace" festival!

bun festival opera

The opera made for welcome colour on a dreary, grey day.

bun festival mcdonald's

Also, the island’s restaurants were serving vegetarian food – even McDonald’s serving up veggie burgers (not too great I thought, trying one).