Sayonara Japan Home

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  • #605
    Martin Williams

    ex japan homeSo, Japan Home has been and gone – surely to the relief of various local shops selling a range of items for use in the home.

    The building is now empty, and for rent.

    When I first came, Park n Shop was here. Later, left to move elsewhere on the island.

    Can’t remember what happened between then and Japan Home – was it the fancy tea shop that opened for short time?

    Martin Williams

    u-right open cheung chauToday, U-Right opened in the place Japan Home had occupied: another (third) city type store, selling casual wear on Cheung Chau: is this island big enough for the three of them – as well as the other, non-chain clothes shops?

    "Hello, welcome" a couple of salesgirls said as I walked in; they smiled cheerily. "Goodbye" said a smiling salesgirl as I walked out – service Giordano style (I believe Giordano introduced such jolliness in HK) – not so much the norm on Cheung Chau!

    Martin Williams

    u-right open cheung chauToday, U-Right opened in the place Japan Home had occupied: another (third) city type store, selling casual wear on Cheung Chau: is this island big enough for the three of them – as well as the other, non-chain clothes shops?

    "Hello, welcome" a couple of salesgirls said as I walked in; they smiled cheerily. "Goodbye" said a smiling salesgirl as I walked out – service Giordano style (I believe Giordano introduced such jolliness in HK) – not so much the norm on Cheung Chau!

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